
Showing posts from June, 2018

How to Survive in Fortnite if your are Noob , New or Slow

To lose and die first is Just Frustrating  and I know how it feels like so here's what you can do: Fortnite is a “battle royale” game in which 100 players land on an island, run around collecting weapons, resources and items from abandoned houses, build forts for protection, and then attempt to blast each other right back into the starting menu. The last player standing wins. When you first start out, it can be a little bewildering – but not nearly as bewildering as not playing and then trying to understand what your daughter means when she tells you she just took out two John Wicks with nothing but an uncommon silenced pistol. If you’re thinking of dipping your toe in, here are 13 tips to get you started 1. Stay on the battle bus until the end If you want to live long enough to collect a couple of guns and some resources, stay on the bus until the last few seconds and then land somewhere near the coast. Very few players will be around, because most of them eject imme